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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Two best friends

Two best friends

One Friday evening after school, there are two girls walking home together. Bam and Laura are 18, live in the same neighborhood and study in the same school. Laura asked Bam about her new classmate, a cute boy and would like to know him. Also, Laura invited Bam to the house on Saturday for her father’s party. Bam was refusing at first because her family will go to the beach. Also, Bam asked if Laura would like to join her.  Laura would love to go but she is not able to as she promised her father to  help him set up the party. Finally, they found out the possibility for Bam to enjoy the beach with her family in the morning and could attend the party at Laura’s house at 7 p.m. Laura asked Bam to bring her a beautiful shell from the beach for her souvenir before separating to their houses. 


They have been friends since Bam’s family moved to the town a year ago. Their parents know each other very well and be good neighbors.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Kids lost in the wood😁

The  kids lost in the wood 

Two years ago, there were two children from a small village stole a canoe from a man next door. They wanted to play adventure without thinking about dangerous. They had so much fun canoeing and did not notice that the hard water currents brought them far away from the village and headed to the deep wood. It took a long while until they realized and started to shout for help but no one came to rescue. The canoe was floating along the water and got stuck at the big rock.  They were very panic and scared. As night fell, the forest was dark and cold. The sky was black as ink. They heard many strange sounds surrounded. The children were afraid, if they would nver be found. They had no idea how to get out from the wood. They were very exhausted and hungry then agreed to get off the canoe. They walked not far and saw a hut , then got inside. Lucky, there were fruits in a big palm sculpture and water in a pitcher. The kids ate and drank all then felt asleep. The next morning,  there were  fresh fruits  in the big palm sculpture and water full in the pitcher. The kids ate, drank and played around the hut. They enjoyed and did not think to go back home and never worried about food and water because every morning, the palm sculpture and pitcher always full.

A year later, a group of adventurers canoeing on the same direction and found their canoe. You do not believe this, the canoe was still there. They found the kids and brought them back to the village.

The two children discovered a good experience and came back to the hut. They developed

the area outside the hut for planting and raised animals such as chicken and ducks. Sometimes, their parents came along and stayed overnight as a family secret camp.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

outfit by Pailin

I was one of seven siblings in a poor family. We had no money to buy new clothings but school dresses.  However, not all of us had our own shirts. The dresses passed through from the eldest sister to second, third, forth and so on  before me.  After that, I passed the dresses to younger kids. We only had a pair of shorts for each to wear at home but not everyone had shirts. Our dresses were rotten that could not recognize the original colors. Our parents had no time to wash and sewed because they worked hard to raise us.

At the age of nineteen, I got a job at the cotton manufacturer where provided uniforms to all employees. I did not buy new clothing because I made little income and I had to spend money for other important things. One year later, I got promoted to be a company operator that I became an office clerk. I changed to wear an office uniform instead of an employee uniform. The company provided shirts and fabric to tailor skirts. I designed skirts by myself and other staffs liked them. 

After twelve years, I resigned from that company and applied a new job in a foreign firm. I had a chance to wear whatever I like. I bought the cheap fabrics and hired a dressmaker to tailor my dresses. I was very happy to wear my own designed garment. 

Right now, I become  an elderly woman living in the USA countryside with my American husband. I like to wear comfortable outfits those we bought from the second hand shops and sometime my friends and customers gave me their clothes that I love to wear. I do not like spending my money to buy my outfits. I am a simple , cheap elderly woman and do not care much how to dress.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Bakery on the hill by Pailin

original by Pailin


Bakery on the hill (Oath Edition)

Kelly is a town lady who loves traveling and explore the country. She enjoys testing bakery everywhere she visits. Recently, she receives a massage from her boyfriend telling that a new bakery is on the hill behind his house. It is very nice location and would like to take me there some time. Immediately, she calls him and arranges the day to hang out at the bakery shop. Also, they invite friends to get together. 

Kelly meets her boyfriend and friends in the afternoon at the bakery. It is a gorgeous, wonderful location. There are not many types of bakeries serving but not the problem at all. Most bakeries are herbal ,special ingredient which only finds here. The aroma is cover all area. Besides, the healthy herbal drinks are good combination with bakeries. Killy meets the shop owner and admires her. She is an elderly  freelance interior designer, moves from the big city. Her husband is the best baker. She decorates the shop by herself. All furnitures, walls, cups , dishes, tables and chairs are made from bamboo wood. It is very lovely and welcome atmosphere to everyone who enters the shop.

The exterior is very beautiful and colorful as they grow many flowers. The stone steps from the front door to behind add fairy tale enchanted. Moreover, they set up tables and chairs outside to perceive the pretty scenic at the back of the shop. We are appreciate everything and  savor tasty bakeries , sipping herbal drinks and chatting until the sunset. It is the place to return again and again.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Beach by Oath


(bench, coconut tree, sand, cottage, stone, wind, sand, ball, long, wet)

The train left the station early morning while the rain is pouring hard. Linda is sitting next to the window and enjoy scenic along the way. She is going home for the first time after moved to a big city for work.  She is originally from the wealthy family who own a private island. After finished school, she left home to continue higher education in the big city. Luckily, she did not by her own but her aunt was preparing everything to support. Her mother's family are in the city but moved to the island after married with her father. Everyone agreed to let her learns and gains experience before taking care of family business.

The train stops at the first station for ten minutes. Linda looks at people walk back and forth. Some drags the food cart and yell for attention to get the sale. Her eyes stop at the wooden bench in front of the ticket booth. There is a familiar face looks to her direction. It is Joy, her friend from the university. Linda waves the hand and Joy runs to her. They talk for awhile before the train moves away.

The train stops at the destination in the next morning. Linda steps down the ground and looks around. She is expecting to meet someone. Suddenly, a small red ball hits her feet in behind. Linda turns around immediately and the little girl gives her a big hug. It is her niece. Linda asks, if she comes with her mother but an old man walks to them before her niece answers. Linda 's father.

From the train station takes about half an hour to get to the private pier. Her father drives the boat takes them to their island.

Linda's father owns a big coconut tree farm on the island and supplies to the factories who produce coconut milk. Besides, he sets up a seafood restaurant for Linda's mother a year ago and business goes well. The restaurant in the coconut tree farm on the private island. People only get here by boat and must have reservation only. 

Linda is very cheerful to come home and see everything always welcome. There are ten new cottages near the shore. Father and mother expanded the business to get more visitors after many guests requested to stay over night. Linda is pleasant to walk on the wet sand in the cool breeze. She let her long hair down and let it blows with the wind. She would stay here and takes happiness with full energy on the weekend before goes back to work in the city.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Accident by Pailin

 Oily is an elderly who lives with her husband in the US countryside. She is an intelligent granny and does the housework all the time as usual. Last week, she found a bird nest in the bamboo bush near the grape yard while she walked around the house. She asked her husband to check on the nest. He claimed on a ladder and saw three baby birds in the nest. The next following day, it was a heavy rain at her house that worried her about the baby birds. She wore the boots to avoid slippery when walked on the wet ground and checked on the baby birds if they were ok. Her husband ran fast to see her because he heard something, "Clank...Clank" behind the house and he saw his wife was fallen down on the ground. The land was shaking because of the water horse was on her way to the yard. She said, "I am alright" however, her husband did not trust. He looked over her body to ensure that she was not hurt.

Oath Edition: added hose and situation to make the story more interesting

An elderly couple, Oily and her husband live in the USA countryside. She is an intelligent granny who enjoys doing the housework. Last week, she found a bird nest in the bamboo bush near the grape yard while she walked around the house. Suddenly, she asked her husband to check on the nest. He climbed on a ladder and saw three baby birds inside the nest. The next following day, it was a heavy rain that worried her if the baby birds were fine. Immediately, She wore the boots and grabbed the umbrella before headed to the bamboo bush. Luckily, her did not fell when running on the slippery floor. It was an earthquake and loud noise behind the house. Oily was on the ground because her legs were stripping on the hose. Meanwhile, her husband rushed to see her because he heard the sound, "Clank...Clank" on her direction. The land stopped shaking and started again because the water horse was on her way to the yard. Oily said to her husband, "I am alright, were the birds ok?" Her husband noded while looked over her body to ensure that she was not hurt.

Beach by Pailin

 The sweet song, "Huahin" from the radio is waking Oily up. She loves this song very much that Suthep Wongkhamhaeng sang it long time ago. 

Huahin is a very famous and widely known beach over the world. It is a very gorgeous beach. There is pretty white, clean sand many tiny stones. There were many foreigners visited Thailand and fell in love the place. Some of them settled down there.

Oily had visited Huahin a few times. She met a man from a dating site and spent time together at Huahin. It was a wonderful time six years ago that was her magnificent time with him. They walked along the seashore and sat under the coconut tree, also watched the children played the ball while the gentle breeze calmly all day. They stayed in a cottage at an old style resort. The cottage was very close to the sea that they could hear the sound of the wave. In the morning, they held hands and walked along the shore where shallow water enough to wet their feet. Those were her pleasant memories whenever she hears Huahin song.