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Thursday, November 7, 2024

Bakery on the hill by Pailin

original by Pailin


Bakery on the hill (Oath Edition)

Kelly is a town lady who loves traveling and explore the country. She enjoys testing bakery everywhere she visits. Recently, she receives a massage from her boyfriend telling that a new bakery is on the hill behind his house. It is very nice location and would like to take me there some time. Immediately, she calls him and arranges the day to hang out at the bakery shop. Also, they invite friends to get together. 

Kelly meets her boyfriend and friends in the afternoon at the bakery. It is a gorgeous, wonderful location. There are not many types of bakeries serving but not the problem at all. Most bakeries are herbal ,special ingredient which only finds here. The aroma is cover all area. Besides, the healthy herbal drinks are good combination with bakeries. Killy meets the shop owner and admires her. She is an elderly  freelance interior designer, moves from the big city. Her husband is the best baker. She decorates the shop by herself. All furnitures, walls, cups , dishes, tables and chairs are made from bamboo wood. It is very lovely and welcome atmosphere to everyone who enters the shop.

The exterior is very beautiful and colorful as they grow many flowers. The stone steps from the front door to behind add fairy tale enchanted. Moreover, they set up tables and chairs outside to perceive the pretty scenic at the back of the shop. We are appreciate everything and  savor tasty bakeries , sipping herbal drinks and chatting until the sunset. It is the place to return again and again.

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